terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

Guarani Kaiowá Genocide- Thank You Dilma Rouseff President

Salve Dilma! Aqueles que irão morrer te saúdam. from Tekoa Virtual Guarani on Vimeo.

The Guarani were one of the first peoples contacted after Europeans arrived in South America around 500 years ago.

In Brazil, there are today around 46,000 Guarani living in seven states, making them the country’s most numerous tribe. Many others live in neighbouring Paraguay, Bolivia and 

The Guarani people in Brazil are divided into three groups: Kaiowá, Ñandeva and M’byá, of which the largest is the Kaiowá which means ‘forest people’.

Guarani children work on the sugar cane fields which now cover much of their people's ancestral lands in Mato Grosso do Sul state
Guarani children work on the sugar cane fields which now cover much of their people’s ancestral lands in Mato Grosso do Sul state

They are a deeply spiritual people. Most communities have a prayer house, and a religious leader, whose authority is based on prestige rather than formal power.



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